

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Pay PLI Premium through Debit / Credit Card without Service Charges - Activation procedure

You can pay PLI premium through Debit card ( ATM) / Credit card without any extra charge.

How To Update Phone Number, Email Id For PLI Customers For Allowing Online Access :

To incorporate the mobile number and email address in the System the following procedures are to be followed by CPC.

1.  The policy holder is to submit an application to the CPC Head on person or through mail stating his/her policy number, Mobile number and email address ( Email address should be written on capital letters so that no mistake will occur by the CPC personnel while data entry is to be done) requesting incorporation of the same in the System. He/She is to enclose self attested photo copies of policy bond or first page of the P.R.Book and identity proof (photo copy Aadhar or Voter Card).
2.     He will submit these to the CPC and take receipt for submission of application, generated from the System.
3.     The CPC personnel will then follow the procedure as same as change of address done. i.e scan the documents, do ECMS and Data Entry and then Quality Check &.Finally Approval.
4.     After approval.

The CPC personnel will send him/her the reply to his/her Email the effect that ' Your mobile number and email address has successfully been incorporated in the System. You may now feel free to register your policy online, set your password as per your choice and perform all sorts business relating to PLI/RPLI, as and when, required without visiting any Post Office or CPC.⁠⁠⁠⁠

Saturday, 31 December 2016


Instructions from CPC(CBS) on Interoperable ATM in DOP

Dear All,
As you are aware DOP ATMs are interoperable, however still under observation for a week. As many ATMs were not online/kept open, patches pushed centrally by switch team could not be deployed in such ATM sites. Due to this non DOP ATM cards are not working in those ATM locations.
As per directorate orders all the DOP ATMs should be functioning and kept open 24X7. Hence, kindly instruct all the ATM site located SOLs to personally check the ATM screen by using other bank ATM cards and do some sample transactions. If the other bank cards are not functional in those ATMs please consolidate such ATM location details with ATM ID and SOLID for taking up the issue with respective vendor for early rectification by 02/01/2017 1100 hrs positively.
Thanks & regards,
Incharge Operations, DOP ATM Unit
CBS-CPC, 4th Floor, Bengaluru GPO Building
080-22850173, 18004252440


Previously, people with accounts in postal department can only use the services of the India Post ATMs.

Today Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved the India Post's proposal for interoperability of its ATMs with other banks.

Equipped with a wide network of core banking solution (CBS) branches, Pensioners and other savings bank account holders, including Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) account holders with the postal department need not hence-forth wait in long queues for withdrawal of cash. They could withdraw up to a maximum of Rs.10,000 at a time from any ATM in India with the ATM cards issued to them.